Those pesky veggies!

Here’s my main issue with vegetarians and vegans. Forget that I think they’re all a bit nuts, they have an extreme and militant side to them that goes I think unnoticed. Have you ever been into a vegetarian or vegan restaurant or cafe and seen a meat dish on the menu? No! And why exactly is that? Because they are vegetarian and vegan places to eat. They will not bend to the will of the centuries old carnivore. Oh no! It’s veggies, fruit and grass juice or nothing at all! I have now been passed three traditionally meat based wasting establishments to find that there are some items on the menu that are completely vegan or vegetarian. Now it doesn’t really impact me personally because I don’t eat in those places. But they very fact that this has been allowed to happen does bother me. 

Now ask yourself how many times have you gone into a meat based cafe or restaurant and seen vegetarian and vegan option on their menus? Answer! Almost every place you can think of. And why is that? Because we have become a nation of do gooders who are terrified of offending anyone in a minority. Well so what if you offend someone. It isn’t nice I’ll admit especially if you’re on the receiving end, but nothing happens. Just be offended and move on. Get on with your life and don’t let it dictate to you.

The latest vegan craze is sweeping the country like herpes at a 19th century gang bang. It’s intrusive, invasive, annoying, itchy and no amount of cream (because they don’t do that either) will get rid of it. I’ve no problem with someone wanting to choose that lifestyle for themselves, good luck to you that’s what I say. But don’t try and make me feel bad or guilty because I do not subscribe to your views or adopt your lifestyle. Veganism I don’t think is that healthy, the restrictions on your diet encroach on being dangerous and the alternatives to meat, fish and dairy are just as if not even more so destructive as meat production. Pesticides on crops damage wildlife in particular the bee population and as we all now know we need bees to survive. I like meat and I like fish and dairy. I also like fruit and veg. Together they make for a well balanced diet. Not too much and not too little of most things is a good rule to go by. Wouldn’t it be better to concentrate on a healthy balanced diet that is good for us and good for the environment at the same time. Why throw all your eggs in one basket and commit yourself to only one dietary path in life. Where the fun? Where’s the adventure? And where is the sense?
